Matilda - on the 11th Emma and I went into London to see Matilda! Such a good show, the set was incredible and the actors, especially the kids, were amazing. Pretty sure we were the only ones there over 10 haha
After the show we ran into Ugly Betty (America Ferrera)
Alice, Em and I
The weekend of the 18th I met up with Alice, Em and Alex (Ems gappie) as well as Kate Thorrat from Te Ngaere and a friend of hers to see the new Twilight film. We spend the whole film laughing uncontrollably because it was soo bad haha, we did however spot Cheska from Made in Chelsea at the cinema, that probably means nothing to you but was quite exciting for us :) Me, Alice, Em and Alex then walked down Regents St and Oxford St looking at the Christmas Lights before we headed back to the flat in Regents Park that belongs to the family Al nannies for, best location ever!! Then on saturday we went to camden market, spending a little more than any of us should have whoops! Really fun weekend!
Me and Em
Then last weekend me and Em caught the train up to North Wales to spend the weekend with Harri Lees - a friend of ours from St Cuths - who owns a cute cottage 40mins drive from Bangor that belonged to her mum as a kid. We arrived round midday on saturday and spend a few hours catching up on whats been happening back home before we headed out with a few Welsh locals that are family friends of Harri's. Bit of a late night and it was definitely a struggle trying to keep up with Welsh girls but we had heaps of fun and it was great seeing Harri again.
Me and Harri
Harri's cottage
Only 3 more weeks!!!