Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Weekend Update

The last few weekends have been super busy since I've been trying to cram as many things into them as possible before I leave. Here's a quick recap...

Matilda - on the 11th Emma and I went into London to see Matilda! Such a good show, the set was incredible and the actors, especially the kids, were amazing. Pretty sure we were the only ones there over 10 haha

After the show we ran into Ugly Betty (America Ferrera)

Alice, Em and I
The weekend of the 18th I met up with Alice, Em and Alex (Ems gappie) as well as Kate Thorrat from Te Ngaere and a friend of hers to see the new Twilight film. We spend the whole film laughing uncontrollably because it was soo bad haha, we did however spot Cheska from Made in Chelsea at the cinema, that probably means nothing to you but was quite exciting for us :) Me, Alice, Em and Alex then walked down Regents St and Oxford St looking at the Christmas Lights before we headed back to the flat in Regents Park that belongs to the family Al nannies for, best location ever!! Then on saturday we went to camden market, spending a little more than any of us should have whoops! Really fun weekend!

Me and Em
Then last weekend me and Em caught the train up to North Wales to spend the weekend with Harri Lees - a friend of ours from St Cuths - who owns a cute cottage 40mins drive from Bangor that belonged to her mum as a kid. We arrived round midday on saturday and spend a few hours catching up on whats been happening back home before we headed out with a few Welsh locals that are family friends of Harri's. Bit of a late night and it was definitely a struggle trying to keep up with Welsh girls but  we had heaps of fun and it was great seeing Harri again. 


Me and Harri

Harri's cottage

Only 3 more weeks!!!


A few photos from our trip to Spain, unfortunately my camera broke the day before we left so we had to use mums iphone. Got a few goodies though xxx

beach where we had dinner one night

view while walking around the Alhambra

cool tiles in the Alhambra

more of the Alhambra

and more

and more

amazing gardens in the Alhambra...so many pomegranates 

good job floss

Friglliana, little town near Nerja where we had dinner one night


inside the caves, bit hard to get a good photo, but the place was massive

Saturday, 5 November 2011


After our adventure in Cinque Terre, mum, floss and I jumped on the train and headed to Florence. We stayed in a weird little B&B, which was in a great location just along from the duomo. We had an amazing few days wandering around the city, and seeing lots of things that i hadn't had time to visit on contiki. Floss  loved it for obvious reasons, as well as the tasty gelato.

mum and floss

me and floss


uh oh.... 
mum and floss

View of Florence from the Boboli Gardens 

View from the Ponte Veccio


My last holiday before i come back to NZ was possibly one the best this year. Amazing trip to Italy, which was made even better with the fact that mum and floss were there as well YAY!! First stop Cinque Terre, one of the most beautiful places I have ever been to. We stayed in a great apartment in Levanto along with Alice and her friend Bryce. The day we spent walking though the 5 villages, was tiring but incredible, the photos don't do the place justice...

the view from our apartment in Levanto

Me, Floss, Al and Bryce...

man selling home made lemonade on the trail... GENIUS!!!

Levanto, waiting to get on the ferry Riomaggiore

view from the walk


Sunset in Monterosso

Group Photo - mum, bryce, floss, me, al, fred, sabina, helena, holly and caren 

me, floss and mum on the ferry.



Before the holidays I was lucky enough to be chosen to go on the Y7 Geo  trip to wales, the weather was shocking but we managed to have fun anyway, and out of all the places iv been this year, it reminded me of NZ the most

the slate mines

Bolade and Ben

walking back to the B&B alongside the railroad tracks

little town we stayed in


Our walk along the spit, we were supposed to climb cader idris, but because of the weather we went for a big walk instead, the day after we ended up climbing halfway up cader idris, to the glacial lake, which because of the mist you couldnt see from a meter away. 

sand dunes opposite the B&B...ahhhh white sand!!!

Friday, 23 September 2011

Church on Sunday

last weekend em, alex and I took took a little trip down to the church. it opens at 12 - midday not midnight, closes at 4pm and fancy dress is encouraged. the place is basically always fill with auzzies and kiwis, and as last weekend was a GAP party so I got to see quite a few of the contiki kids which was great. bit of a mission of a day but definitely something that every gappie has to do.

couple of wallys (em and alex) me and jacquie (the money from contiki) and a few others

me, pheobe, em and tom

photobooth fun

Monday, 12 September 2011

Few more Contiki Photos

steph, dani, me, katie and kate in munich

phoebe, me, kara and perri at the trevi fountain

me and nat - nice photo-bomb from ollie

whole group in paris

epic photobombing in the vatican city


girls and ollie - in corfu

group in rome

little bit of photobooth fun
phoebe, jacquie and me

me and danica
