Saturday, 21 May 2011


So I realise that I have basically only been posting photos on the blog recently, and haven’t actually told you what I’ve been up so, so here it goes.

It’s been a crazy few weeks – home, Hawaii then back to the UK. Coming back to NZ was bitter sweet, for obvious reasons, and having to say goodbye to everyone again was insanely lame. It was hard enough the first time. I was, however, lucky enough to take a quick detour on by way back to the UK via HAWAII. I wasn’t expected back at school for a while and the fact that al was heading over as well meant that I couldn’t really say no! We stayed at lucy’s place in the manoa valley, and with her practically being a local now we were able to avoid the tourist hot spots and see the real island. We spent the week swimming, sunbathing, snorkelling and sipping yummy acai smoothies PERFECT. It was pretty busy back at lucy’s with her 3 flatmates, me, al and the two auzzies that were also heading to Camp Carolina, but they made us all feel welcome and it was great to see how lucy is living these days, very jealous!! 


yummy burgers



sailing back at sunset

I wasn’t really looking forward to heading back to the UK, and the tornadoes that arrived in Honolulu the night of my flight, made me not want to leave even more. The flight from Honolulu to London was loooooong, I had to stop over in san fran, then LA with a 4 hour wait at both airports before I finally got on the 11 hour flight to Heathrow. I arrived back at school on Wednesday at 3ish, and was luckily given the afternoon off to try and recover. Having to be down in the dining hall at 7:20 the next morning proved to be a little difficult though, I was 20 mins late after sleeping though my alarm, whoops!

The best thing about being back is that it is finally starting to warm up a bit. The school grounds look completely different – much greener, and I have actually been wearing shorts!!!!

green grass, flowers and sunshine

I had a great first weekend back. After school on Friday I met Emma in London and we went to an amazing vegetarian restaurant called Mildred’s near Soho. Then on Saturday we went to STOMP at the Ambassadors Theatre.  For nearly two hours we sat and watched/listened to the different routines and rhythms that were made using bin lids, zippo lighters, plastic backs and kitchen sinks, it was insane! Definitely worth going to if you get the chance.

The next weekend was equally as awesome. Friday night Emma and I went to Shapeshifter and Ladi 6 in Shephards Bush. Lining up outside it was so funny hearing all the familiar kiwi and auzzie accents, it felt like being back home, we even found a shop on our way that sold moro bars and shapes YUM! That night we stayed at Emma’s dad’s friends place (hehe) in Chelsea. It was great getting to see another part of London that I wasn’t familiar with, I’m starting to feel like I know the city quite well now 

Its pretty busy at school at the moment. We only have one more week until half term break, exams are coming up for everyone from Y3 to Y8, and next week we have inspectors coming round the school -  something that only happens every 6 years, just my luck. But the days are getting longer, it doesn’t get dark till 9:30!!! and summer is only a month away YAYAY!!!!

Sunday, 15 May 2011


Got to spend an amazing week in hawaii while making my way back to the uk. Here are just some of the photos, I'll post more soon xx

yummmy shaved ice

white plains


Waikiki at night

me and lucy kaboosey

white plains

awesome turtle we snorkeled with, photo credit to finch


pipe from the water, nicole, me, al and zac

on our way up the hill

view from the hill

tide pool we went snorkeling in

more pipe

cool cuzzies

little beach next to waikiki

Monday, 2 May 2011

24h in Porto

photos of our brief time in porto. awesome city.

beautiful church

making our way down to the water

houses along the river

where the port is made

cool boat

the river

cute houses

more river

more river

more river
