Monday, 20 June 2011


Quick getaway to Dublin this weekend. Emma and I headed off bright and early on saturday morning from Gatwick, and within an hour we were exploring the cobbled streets of Irelands capital. We saw a ridiculous amount of sights considering we were only there for 24hours - dublin castle, trinity college, the guinness factory, throughout the old and new areas of the city. Had a great weekend away, and it came at the perfect time because the next few weeks of work are going to be hectic!!

Guinness factory

View from the Guinness factory - which I enjoyed more than the drink itself 

River Liffey that runs though the centre of Dublin

The Temple Bar - a big deal in Dublin


Christ Church


Sunday, 5 June 2011

In Search of the Loch Ness Monster!!

Just got from half term break, this time round Emma and I decided to head off to Scotland. We had a few days in both Edinburgh and Glasgow, and we also took a day trip out to the Highlands and Loch Ness

The Royal Mile, Edinburgh

There were heaps of little alleyways and side streets like this

St Giles Cathedral 

J.K Rowling actually wrote some of the book in here!

the castle

more castle

Arthurs Seat

toilet in THE BEST CAFE EVER!!



Edinburgh at nigh on the Ghost Tour

Loch Lomond -  first stop on our highlands/loch ness tour

highlands - bit windy

boat cruise on Loch Ness

Beautiful Loch Ness

Me and Nessy

Glasgow - oldest terra-cotta fountain in the world

Glasgow haha

River Clyde - Glasgow

I can now cross Scotland off the list. 
The countdown to summer begins. 