Sunday, 27 February 2011

more photos from VALENCIA

la plaza de la virgen

huuuuge whale at the aquarium

cute sculptures outside the science museum

giant diplodocus outside the science museum that moved!! 

superhero exhibition at the science museum hehe

down at the harbor, TEAM NEW ZEALAND!!

amazing beach

beach again, which we actually fell asleep on for an hour on our last day, soooo nice in the sunshine

el mercado central, where we got fresh strawberries and pastries for breakfast each morning

cute street

love you all


big post this time round!
i just got back from my first half term break, where I went to VALENCIA for 5 day!!
i went with Emma, a friend from st cuths who is working at a school in greenwich for the year, and it was amazing to finally get some vitamin d again after not seeing the sun for a solid month. it got to 26 degrees one day, so i am coming back to school with some really cute tan lines from my sunglasses :) we stayed in an amazing hostel that was opposite el mercado central, and a 5min walk from two of the main squares in the city. The city is beautiful, and we spent the whole first day getting lost down the tiny alleyways and side streets, we were also very touristy, and went to the zoo, the hemisferic, aquarium and the science museum on a great tourist bus, even managed to do a bit of shopping. While it wasn't a very relaxing break it was heaps of fun and definitely worth it just to get some sunlight.
Emma and I are already making plans for our next half term break in may!!!
here are some of the 322 photos we took in 5 days haha...

this was the view from the balcony outside out hostel room

the music hall

the hemisferic and science museum, which are next to the music hall and aquarium

outside the hemisferic

outside of the science museum

dolphin show at the aquarium

giraffe at the biopark

one of the many beautiful parks in the city

plaza de torros

outside the science museum


Saturday, 5 February 2011


i thought you might like some photos of the school :)

                                          the furthest top window is from my bedroom

                                          where the kids play at morning tea and lunch, the courts and
                                          rockery are to the left and there are more fields past the trees

                           upper school building, red door leads to the dining room, kitchen is to
                          the right and through the door and up the stairs is my room
                                  car park, trees are in the rockery/field/courts area, to the left is
                                 IT room and middle school, and to the right is the picture above

                                            front of the school, upper school building

view from the dinning room

other view from the dinning room
