Saturday, 5 February 2011


i thought you might like some photos of the school :)

                                          the furthest top window is from my bedroom

                                          where the kids play at morning tea and lunch, the courts and
                                          rockery are to the left and there are more fields past the trees

                           upper school building, red door leads to the dining room, kitchen is to
                          the right and through the door and up the stairs is my room
                                  car park, trees are in the rockery/field/courts area, to the left is
                                 IT room and middle school, and to the right is the picture above

                                            front of the school, upper school building

view from the dinning room

other view from the dinning room


1 comment:

  1. So cool!
    What a pretty school :) it looks very English, almost like hogwarts is just around the corner.....
